The archaeological research of the Thracian culture started in the 20th century and especially after World War II, mainly on the territory of Southern Bulgaria. As a result of intensive archaeology excavation works in the 1960s and 1970s a number of Thracian tombs and sanctuaries were discovered. More significant among them are: the Tomb of Sveshtari, the Tomb of Kazanlak, Tatul, Seuthopolis, Perperikon, the Tomb of Aleksandrovo, Sarmizegetusa, etc.
Also a large number of elaborately crafted gold and silver treasure sets from the 5th and 4th century BC were unearthed. In the following decades those were exposed in museums around the world, thus gaining popularity and becoming an emblem of the ancient Thracian culture. Since the year 2000, Bulgarian archaeologist Georgi Kitov has made discoveries in Central Bulgaria which were summarized as "The Valley of the Thracian Kings".
On 19 August 2005, some Bulgarian archaeologists announced they had found the first Thracian capital, which was situated near Karlovo in Bulgaria. A lot of polished ceramic artifacts (pieces of roof-tiles and Greek-like vases) were discovered revealing the fortune of the city. The Bulgarian Ministry of Culture declared its support to the excavations.
In Dabene, Bulgaria, a cache of more than 15,000 gold Thracian artifacts were discovered, including thousands of rings. In August 2006 a sensational archaeological find was made near the village of Dubovo. A Thracian dagger made of an alloy of gold and platinum, sharp, and in perfect condition, was found in a tomb near the village of Dubovo.
tombs with mural paintings have been discovered near the town of Kazanlak so far. They prove the wide use of art of painting as a detail of inside decoration of the Thracian tombs during the Hellenic period. Undoubtedly the most interesting tomb is the Kazanlak Thracian Tomb.
An important moment for a substantial research of the history, culture and the urban development of the Thracian tribes during the early Hellenic period are the salvage excavations, undertaken because of the building of "Koprinca" dam. An ancient Thracian town -- Sevtopolis is discovered.
Around 6000 years ago, between the fifth and the second millennium B.C., the climate became warmer and the icebergs on the Earth quickly started melting. The water in the oceans and seas rose with 3 meters.
Fewer than 100 are the Thracian undermounded constructed structures in Bulgaria, which are usually called tombs. Fifteen buildings like these are put up in Kazanlak valley.
In the middle of our country, cuddled between the two big mountain ranges Stara planina and Sredna gora, is situated the Kazanlak valley. The land, amazing with its beauty, inebriates with its sweet scents and fascinates with its ancient history.
Read more interesting topic about archaeology excavations.
Archaeology excavation is best known and most commonly used within the science of archaeology. In this sense it is the exposure, processing and recording of archaeological remains.
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