Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Dead Sea Scrolls Are The Holy Land A New Exhibition Of Objects On Display

Fragile, thin pieces of parchment, some as small as a thumbnail, others the size of the book, rough and irregular, such as miniature curtains torn.

The Dead Sea Scrolls survived two millennia, the inhospitable climate, war, and enough drama behind the scenes and Derringer-how many Hollywood thrillers are almost as remarkable as the presence of the rolls themselves.

"Dead Sea Scrolls: The life and faith in biblical times,''which opens to the discovery of the morning, Times Square, is called the largest and most comprehensive ever conducted Holy Land artifacts.

"Dead Sea Scrolls: the life and faith in biblical times," an exhibition that opens tomorrow, Discovery Times Square, considered the largest collection of objects ever assembled in the Holy Land. 10 rolls on the screen, like a fragment of War scroll, left, was found in the caves along the Dead Sea and the identification of the oldest written version of the Hebrew Bible.

In addition to the Dead Sea, the exhibition, which runs though April 15 has hundreds of other artifacts, above left, to help rebuild the pieces of the story.

The objects in the exhibition "Dead Sea Scrolls: the life and faith in biblical times,''the opening of the Discovery Times Square tomorrow.

But those who go directly to the 10 moves across the screen while giving little attention to posters and hundreds of other objects do not appear in some pieces to open the eyes and the historical parts.

The manuscripts were discovered accidentally in 1947 by a Bedouin shepherd who, as history has thrown a stone into a cave to locate a missing goat.

"Instead of listening to the rustle of a goat, intends to break the pottery," said Nick Ballock, one of the seven occupational exposure guides.

Later he returned a friend, would be to find two jars containing scrolls wrapped in linen. Scrolls, etc. found in the caves on the shores of the Dead Sea could be identified as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest written version of the Hebrew Bible. Rolls would wind its way into the owners of units in a line of advertising, The Wall Street Journal in June 1954 provides a "biblical manuscripts for sale", which would be the "perfect gift" for the school.

At the time ushered in some of the rolls as the greatest archaeological finds ever. They were not treated with kindness, the scenes in a seven-minute video shows scientists studied fragments, while smoking cigarettes. Many fragments of coral were glued together.

The exhibition, which runs April 15, 2012, the Israeli Antiquities Authority, was created collections of the National Treasures Israel. Visitors to the exhibition after a two-level room with a passage way, English, Hebrew, Aramaic, and greek, from Genesis 12:01 - "The Lord said to Abram." Departures by country of birth and father's house in the country, I'll show you ".''

In the next room, six screens showing the sunrise over the Dead Sea and extracts from archaeological excavations, as Ballock and other guides to provide current information.

"We want to give people a compelling experience? - How do we get people to feel that their position on the point of discovery,''said Ari Novak, head of Oracle Film Group media and design shows.

Scenes to look calm, but the shot was just the opposite.

At one point, Novak's team walked cautiously in the dark, in an area dotted with sink to reach the beach.

"They're just covered with salt, and you can dive 100 feet down," he said.

Gallery traces the history of the next march, the Crusader Kingdom through the Ottoman period, the early Islamic period of the Byzantine and Roman empires, and after it. Artifacts along the way - oil lamp, ceramic, limestone stamp bread, gold earrings, pearl shells and stones - to illuminate the daily life and customs.

"We wanted to bring people back to the past," said the co-curator Risa Levitt Kohn of San Diego State University. "To see them more as objects, but the hands that make the objects."

There are pots and a huge 2-ton section of the Wailing Wall that visitors can touch, but the most memorable thing here, except rolls, are the smallest: a pension can be the size of the NIS icon smartphone, the unit weight is mentioned most often the Bible 2000 years dates and olive pits and more.

"Small things have great stories in this exhibition," said Novak.

The scrolls, books of Genesis, Leviticus, Exodus and Kings, among others, are arranged around a circular platform at a lower level. There are 20 lists in total, with 10 appears at any time. Since the rolls are very sensitive to light and temperature, will shoot in the new quarter.

A total of 900 manuscript fragments were found in 1947 by archaeologists and local Bedouin who participate in a live competition, struggling with the conditions scorchingly hot and devilishly dry desert.

We do not know who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. One theory credits a company called Yahad. The exhibition concludes: "There is too much variety in the rolls, and they are too numerous to have been written by a single community."

Other objects on display are the phylacteries, small leather containers, to be held in miniature scrolls inscribed with various biblical texts, incredibly intact leather sandals, and a number of ossuaries, limestone boxes in which the bones of family members was held.

Ten ossuaries were discovered in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem, six bore inscriptions include the names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - the names that were "very common" at the time, according to a screen.

In the last room, visitors can watch a live stream of the west wall, while a woman sang words of Genesis 26:3-5 ("Stay in this country for a while, and I will be with you'' ).

Until now faded Novak's father, Avi, the assets of his son, who has worked on computer-generated images to an award-winning Tony production of "Guys and Dolls".

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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