Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hindu Sculptures in Tamilnadu

Dvarapalaka (Gate Keeper)

Uttani, Kumbakonam Taluk, Thanjavur District. About 10th Century AD.
     Dvarapalaka standing with his left leg resting on some projection which is not visible. The right hand is in tarjani and the left rests. The eyes are globular and he has protruding tusks. He has only one pair of arms.

About 10th Century AD.
    Carved figure of a kneeling person with the right leg bent on the ground and the left leg bent but slightly raised up. In the left hand there is a lotus held. The right hand is just touching the left hand. The hair is arranged in the jatamakuta fashion.

Horned Dvarapalaka
Kaverippattinam, North Arcot District. About 7th Century AD.

     Dvarapalaka broken near the waist. Four hands are present: two of which are broken and lost. Horns are seen above the crown.

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