Friday, February 24, 2012

Two War Captive Sculptures Found at Tonina

INAH has found two spectacular large sculptures of war captives and ball game markers at the site of Tonina in Chiapas. They reflect the war between Copan and Tonina that took place at 688-714 CE over control of the Usumacinta River. Tonina emerged as the victor. Glyphs on the captive images name the rulers involved and the dates of the conflict that took place. The captives had been stripped of their ear guards and their ears stuffed with fabric. The hair of the captives was collected for ritual purposes before beheading. The ball court symbolism reflected the battle between the two powers as a fight between light and darkness. There is a Teotihuacan style serpent sculpted on the ball game boards, with a sacrificed captive in the center of each.

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