Monday, February 13, 2012

Waneta expansion completes powerhouse excavation

Partners in the Waneta Expansion Project - Fortis Inc., Columbia Power Corporation, and Columbia Basin Trust – are pleased to announce a major milestone has been reached with the completion of powerhouse archaeology excavation.

archaeology excavations

The contractor, SNC-Lavalin Inc., has been working hard to complete archaeology excavation in the powerhouse area so construction of the powerhouse can begin. In total, approximately 230,000 cubic metres of overburden and 141,000 metres of rock were removed (loading more than 50,000 trucks) and quarried within seven kilometres of the site. The rock will be available
for reuse in future highway and other infrastructure projects in the area.

“Completion of the excavation at the powerhouse site is a significant milestone in the construction of this $900 million project,” says Audrey Repin, spokesperson for the Waneta Expansion Project. “Over one year
into the project, the owners are pleased with the progress and appreciate the efforts of each and every person working to make the project a success.”

The viewing area across Highway 22A has temporarily closed due to slippery conditions but will reopen so the public can safely view the project once conditions improve. The owners thank the contractor for constructing this viewing area which has seen heavy traffic since opening last summer.

Early this year, the project will see completion of tunnel and intake excavation, assembly and installation of the travelling form for the tunnel linings, and continued concrete work in the powerhouse and service bay

The project is focused on a high standard of safety, quality and environmental protection and is committed to delivering local benefits. Currently, more than $72 million has been injected into the local economy through the purchases of goods and services and there are over 200 employees working directly on the project. Of these, 80 per cent are local and 11 per cent are self-identified in equity groups. The $900 million project is expected to provide $200 million in wages and benefits and the equivalent of more than 400 jobs during its construction.

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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