Thursday, June 28, 2012

Seven Archaeological Wonders

Alexander the Great:  His family's royal tombs and treasures

Anglo-Saxon Burial Ships: Take a virtual field trip to Sutton Hoo to see the famous Anglo-Saxon burial ship. Placed into the ground sometime around 625 AD, the ship was rediscovered in 1939. Examine pictures of the gold artifacts which were found with the ship.

Dinosaurs: The most complete dinosaur fossil discovered to date is that of a T. Rex named Sue. Meet Sue, whose home today is Chicago's Field Museum.
King Tut: King Tut died more than 3,300 years ago. Scholars, examining his mummified remains, are now convinced he was not murdered. Instead, he may have died from an infection - secondary to a fractured leg. See photographs of his mummy and the stunning artifacts which were discovered in his tomb.
Mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs: Grave robbers, over the centuries, often removed treasures from the tombs of Pharaohs. Even so, the mummies of famous rulers survived. See some of them in this chapter.
Terra Cotta Soldiers: An army, buried with the First Emperor of China, uncovered after 2,000 years
Viking Ships and Settlements: Norsemen invented the longship which they occasionally used for burials. Some Norsemen - vikingur (meaning "hit and run raider") - sailed their ships to other lands where they terrified local people and stole their treasures. Linked in this story are video clips about Viking exploits and an explanatory animation with which you can virtually build a Viking ship.

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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