Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Nations, Métis and Archaeology Conference

Workshop: First Nations, Métis and Archaeology: Collaborative Approaches towards Understanding Our Past
A workshop bringing together First Nation (Native American), Métis, and members of the professional archaeological community to talk about their experiences with archaeology, including what has worked well and how relationships can be improved.
Organized by: Saskatchewan Association of Professional Archaeologists
The focus of the workshop is to improve communications and further develop relationships between First Nations, Métis, and professional archaeologists, particularly within the province of Saskatchewan. We aim to highlight issues pertaining to Aboriginal engagement within heritage and to facilitate discussion regarding these matters. Our hope is that, based on the conclusions of this workshop, we may initiate the process of change and work together more closely to identify and protect our heritage resources. We plan on publishing a summary of the proceedings and augmenting SAPA’s best practices policy based on the results of the conference.
Confirmed Speakers:
Butch Amundson - Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Jack Brink - Royal Alberta Museum
Kevin Brownlee - The Manitoba Museum
Dr. Shabnam Inanloo Dailoo - Western Heritage
Carrie Dunn - TERA Environmental Consultants
Nathan Friesen - Heritage Conservation Branch, Government of Saskatchewan
Jason Gillespie - Ghostpine Environmental Services Ltd.
Lisa Hein - Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Richard John - One Arrow First Nation
Bryan Lee - Métis Nation of Saskatchewan (Local 108)
Murray Lobb- AMEC Environment and Infrastructure
Wayne McArthur - Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation
Jerry Prosper - One Arrow First Nation
Rodger Ross - Creerunner Communications Ltd.
Brian Scribe - Federation of Saskatchwan Indian Nations - Lands and Resources
Dr. Evelyn Siegfried - Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Henry Skywater - Birdtail Sioux First Nation
Dr. Ernest Walker - University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Eldon Yellowhorn - Simon Fraser University
Patrick Young - Golder Associates Ltd.
When: Friday, January 25th, 2013 and Saturday, January 26th, 2013
Where: Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatoon, SK
Professional Archaeologists
$100 prior to January 16th, 2013
$120 after January 16th, 2013
Students and General Public
$50 prior to January 16th, 2013
$60 after January 16th, 2013
Banquet (Friday Night)
$35 per person

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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