Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Peking Man, Java Man, Orce Man, Hobbit, Homo Erectus

Peking Man

Peking Man (sometimes now called Beijing Man), also called Sinanthropus pekinensis (currently Homo erectus pekinensis), is an example of Homo erectus. The remains were first discovered in 1923-27 during excavations at Zhoukoudian (Choukoutien) near Beijing (Peking), China.

Java man

"Pithecanthropus erectus" was the name first given to the Homo erectus specimen, also known as Java Man, by its discoverer Eugene Dubois. The word "pithecanthropos" was derived from Greek roots and means ape man. See also Peking Man.

It is interesting to note that the find was not a complete specimen, as many are led to beleive, but consisted merely of a skullcap, a femur, and three teeth. A 342 page report written shortly after the finding has thrown much doubt upon the validity of this particular specimen. Despite this, the "Java man" is still found in many textbooks today.

Lindow Man

The Lindow Man is an example of a Celtic human sacrifice discovered in a bog near Manchester in 1984 by peat-cutters, a find known as a bog body. The body is now on display in The British Museum. The body's legs and pelvis were missing, leaving the chest, head and arms.

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