Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prehistoric Mammoth Discovered

A baby mammoth which died 37000 years ago could unlock the genetic map of some extinct animals. It's the best preserved prehistoric animal.

Archaeological features covered just below the surface often leave tell-tale 'lumps and bumps', plough action in fields can lift archaeological material to the surface, in areas of restricted human activity, worked flint scatters can survive untouched for many centuries and standing buildings and field boundaries can be of great antiquity yet archaeologically unexamined. Survey of these sorts of features across huge areas, through measured walkovers or aerial photography, can produce a new perspective on the archaeological record and identify areas requiring better management or areas where excavation could be advantageous.

Such survey is usually accompanied by documentary and historic research to better inform the findings. Advances in survey technology have allowed the rapid and exact analysis of wide areas by relatively untrained personnel making the process an efficient way of learning more about the historic environment. 3D laser scanning, Total stations and digital photography have helped reduce the time and cost involved in such work.

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