Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sea of Galilee Boat Ride

Riding the boats to the Jesus Boat Museum in Kibbutz Ginosar from Tiberias, Israel. It was March 2009, cool to warm and beautiful. They fly the flags of the tour groups so we seen about 8 different countiries flags on the open sea.

It's also called Lake Kinneret and it's more a Lake than an in-land sea. Nice boat ride and the tour bus meets you on the other side and from there, one can visit The Church of The Multiplication, Mount of The Beatitudes, Capernaum and Church of The Primacy of St. Peter. It's The Golan Heights and it's lush and resembles California.

The Galilee Boat which is also referred as the "Jesus Boat" was found by local Galilean inhabitants in January 1986. During a main drought at the Sea of Galilee, two brothers saw a discrete oval shape in the recently-discovered mud. Legislative body of the Israel Department of Antiquities, who were also noting the emergence of before unknown harbors along the drought-stricken water's edge, tartan it out and inveterate that it was the remains of an ancient fishing vessel.

The boat come out due to a great dearth at the time which the waters of the lake ebbed and was found by the brothers Moshe and Yuval Lufan, second-generation fishermen from Kibbutz Ginosar. The brothers reported that when they found the yacht a double rainbow that appeared in the sky. [Read Full article]

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