Monday, September 6, 2010

Current Excavations using Nabonidus

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570-004 Excavation (United States)

Albert Street (United Kingdom)

Anna (United Kingdom)

Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka)

AP-CA-18 (Brazil) - O sítio arqueológico AP-CA-18, pelo mapeamento até agora efetuado, está inserido em um complexo de colinas junto à planície alagadiça do igarapé Rego Grande. Compreende quatro áreas de ocorrências arqueológicas: as áreas 1 e 2, caracterizadas pela presença de grandes bloco de rocha (megalitos) dispostos em posições horizontais, verticais e inclinadas, e inseridos no topo das colinas; e as áreas 3 e 4, caracterizadas pela presença de concentrações de fragmentos cerâmicos, localizadas na planície junto ao igarapé.

arabia (Egypt)

Archéozoologie (France)

ARQUEOLOGIA DE LA ISLA DE MARGARITA (Venezuela ) - Proyecto de arqueología a cargo de ARCA - Fundación Arqueológica del Caribe. La ubicación corresponde al estudio de la isla de Margarita ubicada en el noreste de Venezuela. El objetivo principal del proyecto es el de comprender el origen, evolución cultural y patrones de asentamiento de la población prehispánica de Venezuela con relación al resto del Caribe.

Besitium (Iran)

Bill (Tibet )

Budapest (Hungary)

Carvalhais (Portugal) - Local de habitat tardo-romano/alto medieval que se situa a NNO de uma zona funerária rupestre com 12 sepulcros de diferente morfologia. Há ainda uma sepultura isolada, a cerca de 200m para NE.

Chã da Bica (Constância) (Portugal)

chersonesos (Ukraine)

Chersonesos (Ukraine) - Chersonesos is located on the outskirts of modern Sevastopol near the southwestern tip of Crimea. Occupied by Greek colonists as early as the 5th century BC, it continued to thrive in the Roman and Byzantine periods. In collaboration with the National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, ICA has excavated Hellenistic and multiperiod rural sites in the extraordinarily well-preserved chora since 1994. ICA has also participated in joint excavation in the ancient urban area since 2001. Current projects include paleoenvironmental studies, GIS, conservation, and the creation of an archaeological park.

Chersonesos - Black Sea Project (Ukraine) - The ancient city of Chersonesos is located at the southwest tip of the Crimea within the modern city of Sebastopol. In 1994, teams from the United States, the Ukraine, and the National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos created the Black Sea Project. Excavations were conducted around the so-called 1935 basilica, which provided extensive information about earlier excavations as well as the discovery of a Roman synagogue over which the 6th century Christian basilica was built. This site contains extensive records of the five years of work.

Corinth (Greece) - Ancient Corinth is located in the northeast corner of the Peloponnese at the head of the Gulf of Corinth. The site was referred to in antiquity as one of the “fetters of Greece,” guarding as it did the narrow land bridge that connects the Peloponnese with the Greek mainland, and providing access to both the Gulf of Corinth to the north and the Saronic Gulf to the east. This strategic position was one of the keys to its prosperity, especially as a Roman city.

Covasna (Romania) - During the campaign of 2006 sections S7E and S7F were finalized. A new section, S7G, was opened in the junction area between the 2nd and 3rd terraces. At the same time basic measures of preservation have been taken for the unveiled walls. The section S7E was placed already in the previous campaigns on the second terrace and now it was extended. The aim was: to entirely unveil the bastion?s eastern corner and its side on the terrace; the inner side of the second terrace?s courtine; to entirely preserve the ESE profile for stratigraphical reason.

Croatan (United States) - The Cape Creek site, 31DR1, has long been known as the traditional location of the town of Croatan (Croatoan), the capital of the Algonkian chiefdom of the same name. The site stretches for approximately one-half mile along the island in the present town of Buxton. The Croatan were friendly to the English colonies on Roanoke Island from 1585 to 1587(?), and Manteo, son of the Croatan queen, was one of two Indians sent to England in 1584. The town was occupied until 1715.

cumbre1 (Spain)

Darent Valley Archaeological Project (United Kingdom) (Pakistan)

Dubingiai (Lithuania ) - The main goal of the Department’s scientific work is to research the material and spiritual culture of the Baltic tribes. The archaeologists of the Department conduct archaeological excavations in Samogitia, Užnemune, Central and East Lithuania. The archaeological research aims to reconstruct burial rites, household tools and weapons, ornaments of inhabitants of ancient Lithuania. It also seeks to improve knowledge on the Baltic tribes’ settlements, buildings, fortifications data, as well as cultural relations with neighbors and more distant European tribes and nations.

empuria (Spain) - town on the Mediterranean coast, of the Catalan comarca of Alt Empordà. It was founded in 575 BC by Greek colonists from Phocaea with the name of ?µp????? ( Emporion — "market"). It was later occupied by the Romans, but in the Early Middle Ages the town was abandoned.

Escavação da Necrópole do Largo da Igreja (Montijo (Portugal) - During the archaeological monitoring of the Execution Project of the Drainage and Elevation Systems of the Subsystems of Alcochete, Afonseiro and Seixalinho of SIMARSUL, funerary contexts were identified at Largo da Igreja, Sarilhos Grandes, Montijo, next to the church of São Jorge and the hermitage of Nossa Senhora da Piedade. The identification of inhumations in the area affected by the future implantation of infra structures lead to an emergency excavation. The total area intervened was of 25 m² in which 23 inhumations in primary context and four ossuaries.

gac06i (Portugal) - Projecto de Estudo e Valorização do Património Arqueológico do Largo do Arrabalde - Chaves, Portugal. - Termas Romanas do Largo do Arrabalde; - Vestígios do arrabalde medieval da cidade; - Muralha da Restauração - Meio baluarte da Vedoria.

Galilee Survey Project (Israel) - The Galilee Survey Project is a joint venture of Israeli, Canadian, and U.S. archaeologists to systematically gather site information on the occupation of Lower Galilee with particular attention to the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods. It integrates data from past surveys and excavations with a planned intensive survey (2009) and on-going excavations. The goal is to discern the impact on villages, cities, and the landscape as first the Roman and then the Byzanine empires encounter, interact, and control this area. Special attention is devoted to cultural, economic, social, and political shifts as reflected in the archaeological record.

Giza Archives Project (Egypt)

Harran (Italy)

harran (Turkey) - Harran is an archaeological site of great value as the ancient city was the centre of a considerable commerce, trading with Tyre (Ezekiel 27:23), and one of its specialities was the odoriferous gum derived from the stobrum tree (Pliny, N.H. xii. 40).

Hazor Excavation Project (Israel) - Hazor was an ancient Canaanite and Israelite City located in the north of modern day Israel. Recent archaeological excavations have revealed how important this city was in antiquity.

heidi (Egypt)

Hilary (Canada)

Hippos-Sussita (Israel) - Hippos is an archaeological site located in the Israel on a hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Between the third century BC and the seventh sentury AD, Hippos was the site of a Greco-Roman city. Besides the fortified city itself, Hippos controlled a small port facility on the lake and an area of the surrounding countryside. Hippos was part of the Decapolis, or Ten Cities, a group of cities in Roman Palestine that were culturally tied more closely to Greece and Rome than to the Middle East.

Huluga Open Site (Philippines) - Huluga Cave is a prehistoric site in the Philippines. Composed of two main caverns, it is situated on the eastern side of Cagayan River, along the brow of a vertical limestone cliff. The skeletal fragment from these caves were found to belong to a child and a woman who inhabited Cagayan 377 A.D.

Isles in a Common Sea (United Kingdom) - Scilly is famous for the richness and abundance of archaeology preserved on the Islands. The evidence for a human presence on the islands stretches back to the last Ice Age, and the houses, fields and tombs of prehistoric people are still visible within the Scillonian landscape. This project brings together specialists from British Universities, English Heritage and Cornwall County Council’s Historic Environment Service together with the local community to further explore, understand and interpret this rich archaeological heritage. The excellent preservation of the archaeology on the Islands, due to the lack of development, as well as the special attraction that islands have held for people from the earliest times, make Scilly an ideal place to understand how humans lived in the past and how they responded to and instigated social, technological and environmental changes.

Kalapodi (Greece) - Ancient Sanctuary site in central Greece.

Khirbet Qana (Cana of the Galilee) (Israel) - Khirbet Qana and its environs represent an intriguing location on the north side of an important trade route, the Bet Netofa Valley. It was a destination for Christian pilgrims as early as the 5th century CE who believed it the site where Jesus turned water to wine. Imported rooftiles and ceramic ware indicate that the village participated in long range trade networks. Literary tradition suggest that one of the 24 priestly courses settled there after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple. Jewish presence is evident in stone vessels, miqveh, the earliest synagogue in Galilee, and a Jewish amulet. A Christian pilgrim cave, an industrial area that includes presses and a columbarium, numerous cisterns and Roman tombs, and Roman and Byzantine architectual remains litter the landscape. On-going excavations began in 1998.

Lake Titicaca Temple Project (Bolivia)

lalmai-mainamati (Bangladesh)

Lofts Farm Project (United Kingdom) - In 1978 a one year old Maldon Archaeological Group commenced an eight year project which was to reveal a host of exciting discoveries. The Lofts Farm site extended over 110 acres of Essex farmland.

Loggin Camp (United States)

Montella (Italy) - Castello con area murata. Il castello del Monte è situato in posizione dominante rispetto al territorio di Montella, attraversato dal primo tratto del fiume Calore e punto di raccordo tra percorsi di comunicazione con l?avellinese, il nolano, Benevento, Salerno e la Puglia.

Mormont (Switzerland)

Myra (Turkey)

none (United States)

nsharet (Israel)

Orcon (Peru)

padang lawas (Indonesia)

Patara (Turkey)

PBF (United Kingdom) - The excavation of a monolith north of the Preseli mountains in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

pendur (India ) - A mound and some scattered images near the Pendur village in Sindhudurg district, south of state of Maharashtra in India.

pendur (India )

peru (Peru)

pompeii (Italy) - The Roman city destroyed in 79AD by Vesuvius.

Porta Stabia (Italy) - The 'Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia' (PARP:PS) aims to uncover the structural and occupational history of the SE corner of Insula VIII.7, from its earliest origins through to CE 79. Through a series of selective excavations, structural analyses, and geophysical surveys, PARP:PS will produce a complete archaeological analysis and assessment of the shops, workshops, inns, and houses at VIII.7.1-15. Insula VIII.7 is located in the southern half of ancient Pompeii near the city's entertainment and theater district. Relatively little archaeological research has been carried out in this area so far. The buildings were first brought to light in the 1870's. Further clearance of the volcanic debris occurred in the early 20th century. More recently, some general cleaning and conservation work on the standing architecture was carried out in the early 1980's. PARP:PS began scientific stratigraphic excavation of the architectural and spatial arrangement of this neighborhood in 2005. We will continue to explore the sequence of urban developments for this corner of the city in 2006, a story which we are only starting to investigate. The potential outcomes and results will contribute significantly to several of the recent and continuing archaeological projects in the neighboring insulae, as well as to others across the city.

Qumran (Israel) - The site was most likely constructed sometime during or before the reign of John Hyrcanus, 134-104 BC and saw various phases of occupation until, probably after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Titus and his X Fretensis destroyed it. It is best known as the settlement nearest to the hiding place of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the caves of the sheer desert cliffs.

Rob (United States)

rodrothc (Peru)


Saari (Finland)

SAFS (Ecuador) - Machalilla National Park. Evidence of human activity in the area dates back to 5000 AP. Early Valdivia settlements (3200-1800 BP) and Manteño households (500 AP) have been found in the region where the field school will be held.

Salete da Ponte (Portugal) - A linha de orientação de Projecto identifica-se com a formação especializada da autora, com particular incidência para os estudos desenvolvidos na área do Património Cultural, Arqueologia e Museologia.

San Felice (Italy) - The San Felice Field Research Project is currently investigating the nature of imperial landholdings in Puglia (southeastern Italy).

San Felice (Italy) - The San Felice Field Research Project is currently investigating the nature of imperial landholdings in Puglia (southeastern Italy).

San Felice (Italy) - The San Felice Field Research Project is currently investigating the nature of imperial landholdings in Puglia (southeastern Italy).

Saveock (United Kingdom) - The excavation at Saveock, Cornwall has just started its fifth season and is situated on the south-facing slope of a sheltered river valley. Its main phases range from a Mesolithic platform to an18th century votive spring.

Seulo caves (Italy)

soender holsted (Denmark)

Tel Bet Yerah (Israel) - Tel Bet Yerah (Khirbet el-Kerak) is the site of a large fortified Early Bronze Age town (25 ha present size, approx. 30 ha [=80 acres] original size) situated at the point where the Jordan River exits Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). Described by Albright as "perhaps the most remarkable Bronze Age site in all Palestine", the site was occupied throughout the Early Bronze Age (3500–2300 BCE), and presents the most complete sequence of the transition from village to city life in ancient Canaan.

Tel Dor (Israel) - Dor (Kh. al-Burj or al-Tantura), is a large mound located on Israel's Mediterranean coast, about 30 km south of Haifa

Tel Rehov (Israel) - Tel Rehov is the largest mound in the Beth-Shean Valley, extending over 26 acres.

Tell es-Safi/Gath (Israel) - t is a large multi-period site (ancient mound: Tell) that is located in central Israel, approximately half way between Jerusalem and Ashkelon, on the border between the southern Coastal Plain of Israel and the Judean foothills.

Tell es-Safi/Gath (Israel) - t is a large multi-period site (ancient mound: Tell) that is located in central Israel, approximately half way between Jerusalem and Ashkelon, on the border between the southern Coastal Plain of Israel and the Judean foothills.

tepe sofalin (Iran)

Test Excavation (United States)

The USF Excavation at Sepphoris (Israel) - Sepphoris was first excavated for one season in 1931 by the University of Michigan. It has been under excavation since 1983 by the University of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris and since 1985 by the Joint Expedition to Sepphoris. That two major expeditions would work on the site is an index to its importance in the Roman and Byzantine history of Palestine, early Christian origins, and Jewish history.

Theoretical (India )

Tonks (Australia)

Totogal (Mexico) - The Postclassic site of Totógal in the western Tuxtla Mountains of Veracruz, Mexico contains rare examples of stone architectural features in the southern Gulf Lowlands. Today, the partial remains of one such structure are highly visible; however, the amount of wall fall, looters' pit destruction and over-growth masks the extent and form of the feature. Local histories ascribe these ruins to early Colonial construction periods, however Postclassic Aztec-style artifacts recovered near this architecture question the occupational sequence of the site and its constructions.

university of arizona (United States)

Vale do Souto (Portugal) - No final do século XX, foram feitas descobertas muitíssimo importantes para a história da localidade. Através de escavações arqueológicas (designadamente uma árula votiva) descobriu-se que os Romanos aí viveram aqui há mais de 2000 anos.

various (Australia)

Very nice site! (Afghanistan)

Very nice site! [url= (Afghanistan)

Very nice site! cheap cialis (Afghanistan)

Very nice site! is it yours too (Afghanistan)

Wadi ath-Thayyilah (Yemen) - Wadi ath-Thayyilah, site 3 (WTH3, formerly WTHiii), is a Neolithic and Pre-Neolithic occupation of Khawlan at-Tiyal, a region on the eastern Yemen Plateau. It was excavated by F G Fedele (University of Naples) as a project of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Yemen between 1984-1986. Information is summarized in the following publication, with references: Fedele FG 2008 Wadi at-Tayilah 3, a Neolithic and Pre-Neolithic occupation on the eastern Yemen Plateau, and its archaeofaunal information. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 38, 2008: 153-171.

Wadi Raghwan Archaeological Project (United States)

WestCaucasus dolmens (Russia)

Xirumi (Italy)

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