Monday, February 14, 2011

Archaeology Tools

I was at Petra working for the late Dr. Philip Hammond in 2001 when he was asked by a visitor what the most valuable thing was that he had ever recovered from an archaeological site. Dr. Hammond, who had worked in Jordan for 50 years, most of that time right at Petra, instantly replied, You are an archaeologist, not an antiquarian, so be prepared to carefully record your findings and amass that data. Have a clipboard, pencils, erasers, and pens. I specifically recommend multiple black Sharpies of every available tip size to use for the more permanent labeling that will be done.

Measuring Elevation...

A very important tool to have in your kit to allow you to measure vertical distances is the line level. You simply cannot have a controlled excavation without one. Some digs have spare line levels at hand but don’t count on it. Always have your own ready to go.

They are available at most hardware stores. Make sure that the locations where the level attaches to the string will keep it securely on. I’ve seen many a frustrated archaeologist ready to record an elevation only to find the level was hanging by only one attachment or had fallen to the ground.

You call that a knife???

By this time, you will have noticed that it is very handy to have a cutting tool at hand, if for no other reason yet than to cut the string. A good knife is useful on the site, and a multipurpose tool such as those made by Leatherman or Gerber are constantly being used for a multitude of tasks including cutting.

For example, the easiest way to remove rebar of any length is by using the pliers on a multipurpose tool. Have one in your kit (and always remember who came by to borrow it so you can find it when you need it).

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For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.


Anonymous said...

this has some interesting details in it thank you

Anonymous said...

the dumb thing wouldnt load