Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Boxgrove Archaeology Excavation Project

The Boxgrove Project is a multi-disciplinary research team undertaking various aspects of Palaeolithic field work and analysis. The Project is responsible for the management of the Boxgrove site as well as co-ordinating wider Palaeolithic excavations and research. This site contains new and updated pages covering the latest result from the Boxgrove excavations, the Valdoe Survey, Beedings and other work undertaken by the team. All pages can be navigated from the above links.

Boxgrove Project is based at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London and is funded by English Heritage.

For any comments or suggestions regarding this site please contact m.pope@ucl.ac.uk

Boxgrove is a Middle Pleistocene site in West Sussex, England. Since the early 1980's a number of localities within the gravel pits at Boxgrove have provided detailed insights into the life and palaeoecology of the earliest colonisers of Northern Europe.

At one locality, designated Q1/B, a series of fresh water deposits preserved the remains of butchered animal bones alongside large quantities of flint tools and waste flakes. This site, which is currently under analysis, appears to have been an area regularly exploited by hominids. A wide range of herbivores including rhinoceros, horse and red deer were attracted to the water hole, making it an excellent location for intercepting game. Many of the animal bones exhibit cut marks from the flint tools used to butcher the carcasses.

Explore this site for more information on the unique archaeology at Boxgrove.

Source from : http://matt.pope.users.btopenworld.com

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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