Sunday, September 25, 2011

Biblical Burial Box 2000 Years Of Jesus Reveals The Idea Of ​​death

Registration rare in the case of a burial year 2000 may provide a new vision of Christ's death, the researchers said.

Called an ossuary, a box of chalk shows Caiaphas, the high priest involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. The Israel Antiquities Authority, who confiscated the ossuary thieves three years ago, he then Professor Yuval Goren of Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology who led the efforts of authentication.

"Without a doubt, that writing is authentic," Gore said, after conducting a thorough investigation of the limestone box, which boasts a decorative rosettes, as well subscribe.

Gore observations indicate an unusually descriptive writing brings to light one of the men behind the death of Jesus Registration complete reads: "Jesus, son of Miriam Caiaphus daughter, a priest of Beth Maaziah Imri" Designation of the deceased in relation to three generations, and a possible position.

The Maaziah refers to a clan that was the last of about 24 orders of priests high during the Second Temple period, Goren said. Although there are few records of the clan in the Talmudic sources that detail their lives after their dispersion in Galilee in 70 AD, the reference to Beit Imri new insight to put family before migration.

Although you may Beit Imri refers to another order of priesthood, the researchers said, is more likely to refer to a geographic location, probably the Caiaphus village family home.

Ossuary believed to come from a tomb in the Valley of Elah, southwest of Jerusalem, the mythical place of the battle between David and Goliath. Beit Imri was probably located on the slopes of Mount Hebron.

It is not the first time in ossuaries were no reports. Writing recently discovered ossuary of the population claiming to be James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus This revelation made headlines in 2002 - only to be turned out to be a scam.

Goren believes it really is - and it has science on his side.

"When the rock is deposited in the soil for millennia, that affects the environment and the impact on the environment," he said.

Processes such as erosion, groundwater and the accumulation of acidic limestone or silica coatings, biological activity, such as the growth of bacteria, algae, lichens, and close to the action of the flora and fauna, leading to the stone floor . Most of these characteristics, it is impossible to replicate in the laboratory.

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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