Friday, October 21, 2011

Archaeologists Uncover Viking Thousand Years Fault In Scotland

The first Viking burial ground intact vessel is in Britain was discovered in Scotland, archaeologists said Wednesday.

Place in the Scottish Highlands, on the west coast of the Ardnamurchan peninsula remote is supposed to be about 1,000 years and contains the remains of a Viking important - who was buried with an ax, a sword and a spear, a Sky News reported.

Experts from across the UK to explore the area, said the ship about 200 staples had been completely excavated.

Archaeologist Helen Gray, described the find as "once in a lifetime event."

"We did research on the region since 2006, and most of our work has focused on another area," she said. "We saw a small rise in the low ground and decided to investigate. We had no idea it would be this seems important. "

A head shield and bronze ring pin with the Vikings were buried with a number of other artifacts.

Project co-director Dr Hannah Cobb said: "Although we have many important artifacts excavated over the years, I think it is fair to say that this year, archeology has really exceeded our expectations."

She added: "A funeral Viking boat is an amazing discovery, but also learn how to make artifacts and preserve this one of the largest ever Norse pits dug in Britain."

Oliver Harris, one of the project leaders, said the archaeologists in the region are not looking only for the time of Viking artifacts, but examining social change from the first settlers in the 18th and 19th century.

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