Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Archaeologist Remains Personal Wedding Site Of Pocahontas

Archaeologist William Kelso is sure, he discovered the remains of the old Protestant church in the United States, stands between two holes, he insists once held positions in wood.

In 1614, Pocahontas was "married here, I guarantee you," he told AFP Kelso at Jamestown, Virginia, southeast of the archaeological site of the national capital.

Near the James River, May 14, 1607, a group of about a hundred men landed on the Commission of England to form the first colony in America.

"It's fantastic exciting and important because Jamestown is generally represented - full payment at the beginning represented - as was done by the gentlemen of leisure who wanted to get rich quick, and go directly to England."

The area was carefully excavated to reveal a large number of post-holes to 6.5 meters (six feet) deep, and trace the remains of four graves.

Two other Protestant churches are supposed to have been built before, but left no traces and remains of a Roman Catholic church were also found in Florida - but Kelso is sure it is the oldest on the left.

"Religion plays a big role" in society, Kelso said as he stood near the river where the flags fluttering marked outline of the building. Settlers' put a great effort in building this great church, and it was very important for the colony. "

Notes the size of the tree this post holes, Kelso said the church would have been able to support the mud and heavy construction roof stud.

According to surviving records describing the church kept by the secretary of the colony, which was built corresponds to what we see today on the spot. "I am convinced, because it's the right size," said Kelso.

The four tombs also correspond with the four core members of the colony, which would have been buried so close to the church. Kelso said that there was a knight, two captains and the Reverend Robert Hunt, the first priest to come to the site.

Stressing that Pocahontas, the favorite daughter of Chief Powhatan, would have been when she married an Englishman, Kelso caught in the place of the event in colonial history, which the colonies later in what was then abroad, to hostile territory European settlers.

"That marriage, the Indians retreated, and there was no more fighting," said Kelso.

The Indian princess, familiar to American children, was popularized by an animated film from Walt Disney, who turned his meeting with the Englishman John Smith in a novel.

Renamed Rebecca, she was to marry later another Englishman, John Rolfe, before he died in England at the age of 21.

The next task for archaeologists in the months ahead will be to dig the graves.

"We know of the times, we have the baptism," Kelso said, excited at the opportunity to confirm their identity through the study of bones, teeth and may be trademarks of injuries continue to flock to the bones.

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

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