A part of archaeological village dating back to Neolithic Era, 1000 years before Christ, was discovered at Belaas Mountain located to the southeast of Hama Province, central Syria.
Head of Hama Antiquities Department Abdul Qader Farzat said the Syrian-French expedition found two archaeological sets at the site, the first consists of simple archaeological constructions paved with stones in a circular shape in addition to rows of stony walls.
The second set is the oldest part of the village. It dates back to the Neolithic Era, having an architectural design that is different from those found in Palestine and Euphrates Basin.
Farzat pointed out that the Stone Age was known in the East through the archaeological excavations in Euphrates Basin, Damascus Basin and Palestine, yet vast areas between these geographic clusters are still unstudied precisely.
He added that the discovery indicates that the site was inhabited during the prehistoric period through discovering the nature of the houses ancient ancestors lived, in addition to the economic and social activities pursued at the site.
Archaeologist Abdul Salam al-Bashmaky said the site chronicles the Neolithic Era in Syria, from 1000 to 6000 years before Christ, particularly that the period witnessed an important transition in human history, moving from the stage of hunting and picking up to agriculture stage.
He added that the archaeological site discovered is one of the first agricultural villages which made a transitional point from the Modern Stone Age to the so-called Agriculture or Neolite Revolution.
Source From : http://www.english.globalarabnetwork.com/201008166925/Related-news-from-Syria/archaeological-village-dating-back-to-neolithic-era-uncovered-in-syria.html
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