The archaeology excavations undertaken at the ancient city of Amheida (known as Trimithis in the Roman period) are a unique combination of archaeological fieldwork and educational program. Although primarily a modern, multidisciplinary archaeology excavation, the project also offers undergraduate students the opportunity for a study-abroad semester in Egypt that combines fieldwork with classroom study and visits to archaeological sites and museums. We make our ongoing work on site available internationally to both scholarly and public audiences via the web as well as through printed work.
The Amheida project was started at Columbia University in 2001. Since 2008, New York University is the primary sponsoring institution, with Columbia University continuing as a partner in the project.
The archaeology excavations at Amheida collaborate with other participating groups in the Dakhleh Oasis Project, an international venture now three decades old dedicated to studying the interaction between human settlement and the environment over the long span from the earliest human presence in the oasis to modern times. Amheida itself has remains spanning nearly three millennia, and paleolithic material is found along its fringes.
The first five years of archaeology excavation have focused on three areas of this very large site: an upper-class fourth-century AD house with wall paintings, an adjoining school, and underlying remains of a Roman bath complex; a more modest house of the third century; and the temple hill, with remains of the Temple of Thoth built in the first century AD and of earlier structures. Architectural conservation has protected and partly restored two standing funerary monuments, a mud-brick pyramid and a tower tomb, both of the Roman period.
Inquiries about the associated undergraduate Spring semester abroad program, "Archaeology and History in Egypt," offered through NYU, should be directed to its Director, Ellen Morris (em129@nyu.edu). Administrative questions should be addressed to the Program Coordinator, Elizabeth Bulls (eb100@nyu.edu). Click on the "Student Information" button for more information on this program. The deadline for student applications for the 2010 season is May 8, 2009.
The project director, Roger Bagnall, can be reached at:
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
New York University
15 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028
Source from great site : http://www.amheida.org/
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