Monday, November 28, 2011

At First People Adept At Deep-sea Fishing

Archaeologists have found evidence that early humans were able to fish for tuna, shark and other deep sea species 42,000 years ago, much earlier than previously thought.

archaeology excavations

Until now, the physical evidence of deep-sea fishing, long time ago, which was non-existent. But a team led by archaeologist Sue O'Connor and the Australian National University has found convincing evidence that some of the oldest sailors plying the waters really deep to find fish.

The team recovered more than 38,000 fish bones Jerimalai cave to protect the eastern end of East Timor, the island archipelago near Wallace.

They found evidence that these early travelers of the sea systematically fished tuna, grouper, snapper, puffer fish, stingrays and sharks, for example. In the first layers of the profession - 38 000 and 42 thousand years ago - half of the bones were found in tuna.

It shows "the high level of maritime capabilities possessed by the first settlers to move into and through the islands of Wallacea," the authors write.

This finding is significant because by eating deep sea fish such as tuna requires the design of large and complex of marine technology. The authors say they can not be sure how deep the fish were caught, but keep in mind that the small bones of the fishermen to use nets or lines.

Hook-old found

Oldest in the world, I love Jerimalai also visit the site. It is made of broken shell, and the dates between 16 000 and 23 thousand years ago.

"Discoveries in East Timor show high level of maritime know-how and technology in the possession of modern humans colonized Wallace," said the authors of this study is the latest issue of the journal Science.

"These skills have allowed .The occupation of the islands of Wallacea and relieved of the colonization of Australia in the early maritime and Near Oceania."

For more interesting topics related to archaeology, visit archaeology excavations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really wanted to love this article but the grammatical errors and the awkward way the sentences are strung together made it so I had to stop after the 1st sentence.